Beekeeping Today Podcast - Presented by Betterbee

Ross Conrad

Ross ConradProfile Photo


Ross Conrad learned his craft from the late Charles Mraz, world renowned beekeeper and promoter of apitherapy. Conrad is a former president of the Vermont Beekeepers Association, a regular contributor to Bee Culture - The Magazine of American Beekeeping, author of Natural Beekeeping: Organic Approaches to Modern Apiculture and co-author of The Land of Milk and Honey: A history of beekeeping in Vermont.

Ross has given bee related presentations and led organic beekeeping workshops and classes throughout North America for many years.

His Middlebury, Vermont based beekeeping business, Dancing Bee Gardens, supplies friends, neighbors with honey and candles among other bee related products, has 5-frame nucleus bee colonies for sale each June, and provides bees for local pollination in the spring.

Nov. 29, 2021

EpiPen Pricing Scandal & Natural Beekeeping with Ross Conrad (S4, E2…

Joining us is Bee Culture contributor and author, Ross Conrad. Ross is a commercial beekeeper in Vermont. He runs a small commercial operation running about 100 colonies and all are treatment free. He makes honey, does a bit of pollination …

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