In this episode we talk with Amber Leach, North American Sales Manager, and Dr. Miguel Angel Rodriguez, DVM, and Business Development Head, from Véto-Pharma. Véto-Pharma is just rolling out and the distribution of their newest varroa control...
In today’s episode, we talk with Dr. Robyn Underwood of Penn State’s Lopez-Uribe Lab. We’ve invited Robyn as she has researched and written about the Spotted Lantern Fly and how its presence can impact honey production. Have you ever tasted your...
On today's show, we invite Connecticut Master Beekeeper, Bill Hesbach back to the show to talk about the latest developments in practical varroa management. Whether you are a long time beekeeper, aka BVD beekeeper (Before Varroa Destructor) or a new...
Boulder, Tropilaelaps, Hippy Varroa and More
Winter bees, those bees that emerge during the cold winter months when there is little to no exposure to the world outside, are very different from summer bees, which emerge during the hectic and exposed to everything bees are exposed to in their...
On today’s episode we are joined by professor, author and noted speaker Dr. Dewey Caron. Dewey is an active member of the Honey Bee Health Coalition where he helps with the creation and maintenance of the Coalition’s Hive Management program. Today...
When we started this podcast back in 2018, not only did we want to bring you the known and established voices in beekeeping and honey bee research, we also set out to highlight the new voices. Today’s episode we introduce two new researchers....
On this episode, we learn share everything you ever wanted to know about Small Hive Beetles, with Drs. Morgan Roth and Aaron Gross, from Virginia Tech. Small hive beetles cause about $3 million dollars damage to US beehives every year. Today we...
Drs. Michael Simone-Finstrom and Dr. Frank Rinkevich, are research entomologists at the Baton Rouge Honey Bee Research Laboratory in Baton Rouge, LA. They have completed an extensive set of tests in commercial beekeeping operations on mite resistance,...
On today’s episode, we are joined by Randy Oliver. If you don’t read Randy’s ABJ column and don’t check in on his you’ve been missing some of the most up to date news on breeding mite resistant bees, and the newest, best mite treatment...
This is the third time we’ve talked with Sven-Erik Spichiger about the Asian Giant Hornet in the state of Washington, and this time he shares some history, enlightens us with the discoveries they’ve made so far, what they managed to accomplish...
Hey everybody. Kim and Jeff are taking the week off and will be back next week with a new episode. For this week's Holiday Reply, we bring you our talk with Dr. Sam Ramsey from April, 2021. We hope you enjoy it as much as we do! Thank you for...
Dr. Sam Ramsey is back with us again, looking at all sorts of questions than bother beekeepers, and working with smart kids and science! Sammy hasn’t not let any grass grow under his feet since he was forced to return home from his research in...
In this episode, we have a return visit with Washington State Department of Agriculture’s Sven-Erik Spichiger, to see how our honey bees’ newest threat, The Giant Asian Hornet, did last season in the Pacific Northwest. The AGH was wildly...
On this special Holiday Replay, we bring back one of our favorite episodes from the first season, when we invited Dr. Sam Ramsey to the podcast to talk about the Varroa Mite. Sam Ramsey is a life long entomologist. His interests in all things insects...