Welcome to Season 6 of Beekeeping Today Podcast! When we launched this podcast on the first day of Pollinator Week in 2018, we had no idea where the podcast would go, or how long it would continue. It is fun to see that we are still going strong and...
Amy Vu is the State Extension Entomologist for the State of Florida. She works out of the University Of Florida’s Honey Bee Research Lab, headed by Dr. Jamie Ellis. As part of the Research Lab she is involved in the many project ongoing there,...
On today’s episode, Jeff and Kim talk with Mandy Shaw of the Beekeeper Confidential podcast. Mandy is a Portland, OR, beekeeper, active with the Portland Urban Beekeepers Association as President and other roles. We talk with her today about her...
On today's episode, we welcome Mary Duane and Eloise (Lou) Naylor of the Eastern Apicultural Society. EAS was founded in 1955 for the "promotion of bees, education of beekeepers, certification of Master Beekeepers and excellence in bee research. EAS...
If you don’t already know about Kamon Reynolds and his YouTube channel with over 52,000 subscribers, it’s time you check him out. You’ll find it on YouTube under his name or the channel’s name Tennessee’s Bees. There he discusses a problem,...
Today, we’ve invited Steven Coy back to the how to provide an update on the Chinese Tallow tree and efforts to eliminate them. Chinese Tallow was brought to the USA in the 1700’s as an ornamental. They have very successfully invaded much of...
Join us for our second episode on the 2022 Project Apis m and CostCo Scholarship Awards. Students who receive this PhD Scholarship award bring new energy, ideas, and expertise to the scientists on the leading edge of bee health research. The award...
The Minnesota Honey Producers Association has a whole bunch of good things going for them and in this episode we learn about their new Honey Ambassador Program (notice we didn’t say Honey Queen Program), plus the state wide habitat program. First...
Bee Culture’s Annual October Event is back. After two years of dealing with Covid delays, Editor Jerry Hayes has put together a two day event in Medina, Ohio that you will not want to miss. On today’s episode, we talk with Jerry about the thirteen...
On this week’s episode, we are joined by Sarah Red-Laird, the Bee Girl and she is on a mission this summer. Sarah is visiting all sorts of people in the Midwest who are trying to do the same thing she is doing from her home in Oregon. All are trying...
Can you imagine the difficulty in trying to work a standard Langstroth hive when sitting in a wheelchair? Or how about working bees while blind? These are just two of the handicaps that Justin Ruger is working on so that people with handicaps like...
On today episode, we welcome Dr. Jerry Bromenshenk ('retired' from the University of Montana) and Rob Seccomb to talk with us about the Bee Health Guru app and the new Commercial Beekeeper Course they are developing in partnership with the SAVE Farm...
Happy Earth Day… week. Earth Day is this Friday, April 22… and in recognition of that day, we’ve invited Dr. Jonathan Lundgren back to the show to talk about his work at Blue Dasher Farm and with the Ecdysis Foundation’s research on...
Dr. Andony Melathopoulos, an entomologist with the Oregon State University Agricultural Extension Service, returns to Beekeeping Today Podcast to talk to us about pesticides and how beekeepers can help mitigate the risk to their bees by understanding...
This week, we invite Geoff Williams and Mikayla Wilson from Bee Informed Partnership to talk with us about their 2022 Loss and Management Survey! It kicks off in April - in just a few days! The was started in 2007 by the as a non-profit organization...