Beekeeping Today Podcast - Presented by Betterbee

Jeff Ott

Jeff Ott Profile Photo

Cohost, Producer, Editor & Audio Engineer... Chief Cook, Bottle Washer, Errand Boy

Jeff Ott's fascination with flying and crawling creatures began in the sixth grade, leading to a deep interest in honeybees. With his father’s help, he acquired an A.I. Root observation hive, which he kept on his bedroom desk in Lakewood, Ohio. That summer was spent immersed in the sights, sounds, and smells of his observation hive. As an adult in Hinckley, Ohio, Jeff reignited his passion for beekeeping, starting with three colonies from a retiring beekeeper.

Jeff expanded his operation from a hobbyist level to a small sideliner business, selling honey and beeswax and providing local pollination services. He joined the Medina County Beekeepers Association and the Ohio State Beekeepers Association to continue learning. He served as president of the Medina association and was a director of the Ohio association. Jeff also founded Medina County’s first newsletter, The Bee Herder.

Through his involvement with Ohio beekeeping organizations, Jeff met Kim Flottum, editor of Bee Culture magazine. Together, they created a regular column called The Weekender, offering practical advice for hobbyist beekeepers. At an American Beekeeping Federation conference, Kim introduced Jeff to Sherry Jennings from the National Honey Board. Jeff and Sherry later married, and Jeff relocated to Colorado, where he maintained 40 hives and continued writing for Bee Culture on various topics, including a series on Africanized honeybees.

They eventually moved to Olympia, Washington, where Jeff continued his beekeeping endeavors. He earned Master Beekeeping Certificates from the University of Montana and the Washington State Beekeepers Association. A reunion with Kim at Bee Culture sparked the idea for the Beekeeping Today Podcast, which Jeff produces and co-hosts. The podcast attracts thousands of listeners worldwide each week. Their success led to the creation of Growing Planet Media, a production company focusing on beekeeping and more.