Beekeeping Today Podcast - Presented by Betterbee

Steve Donohoe

Steve Donohoe Profile Photo


Steve is a beekeeper based in Cheshire in the UK. He is currently the editor of Bee Farmer magazine (for members of the Bee Farmers' Association) and runs a small bee farming business producing honey and nucleus colonies for local customers.

His recent book, Healthy Bees Heavy Hives, was a collaboration with Paul Horton (a successful migratory bee farmer in the UK). It focuses on UK commercial beekeeping and particularly on how to maximise your honey crop. The book has been well received by beekeepers at all scales of operation, and should prove useful to beginners as well as seasoned pros.

Steve's first book, Interviews With Beekeepers, was published in 2020 and has received great reviews from around the world. It features a series of interviews with well known beekeepers in USA, New Zealand, France and the UK. The experience of travelling to meet Steve's beekeeping heroes is documented in this unique book. The interviewees were: Michael Palmer, Randy Oliver, Ray Olivarez, Murray McGregor, David Kemp, Peter Little, Richard Noel and Peter Bray.

May 20, 2024

Healthy Bees, Heavy Hives with Steve Donohoe and Paul Horton (S6, E49)

In this fun episode of our podcast, we're diving deep into the topics of bee health and maximizing honey production with insights from Steve Donohoe and Paul Horton, seasoned beekeepers from the UK. These experts share their pioneering strategies...
Nov. 30, 2020

Interviews with Beekeepers, Author Steve Donohoe (S3, E27)

Starting several years ago, Steve Donohoe wanted to find out more about beekeepers and how they kept bees. His travels took him to California, where he talked to Randy Oliver and Ray Olivarez, to Vermont to talk to Mike Palmer, then back the UK to...
Guest: Steve Donohoe