Bee Ecologist
Ron Miksha has kept honey bees since age 16 when he managed his farm family’s 300 colonies in Pennsylvania. Ron produced queens in Florida and tons of water-white honey in Saskatchewan. Ron has written for the British Bee Quarterly, American Bee Journal, Bee Culture, BC’s BeeScene, Deutsches Bienen Journal, and the Canadian Honey Council’s Hivelights. He edits the ABee Landing Board newsletter, wrote the book Bad Beekeeping, and maintains the Bad Beekeeping Blog.
A past president of the Calgary and District Beekeepers Association, Ron is a current director of the Western Apicultural Society and the Alberta Native Bee Council. Ron now lives in Calgary, researches bee ecology at the University of Calgary, and teaches beekeeping to Calgary suburbanites, to inmates at Drumheller Penitentiary, to Alberta farmers, and to people living with the land at Tsuut'ina Nation.