Beekeeping Today Podcast - Presented by Betterbee

Rich Morris

Rich Morris Profile Photo

Lead Drone, Founder, CEO

Rich has spent 30+ years developing products for the medical, scientific, and consumer worlds. Today he is founder and CEO of Broodminder. Rich is an electrical engineer by training, system engineer and project manager by trade. Rich lives on the Yahara river in Stoughton Wisconsin, has four bee hives, and likes long walks on the beach.

Nov. 18, 2024

Monitoring the Hive with Broodminder's Rich and Lorenzo (305)

In this episode, Jeff and Becky sit down with Rich Morris and Lorenzo Pons of Broodminder, the innovative team behind hive monitoring technology that’s helping beekeepers better understand their colonies. Rich and Lorenzo discuss the origins of...
Jan. 10, 2022

2022 Broodminder Update with Rich Morris (S4, E30)

This week we’ve invited Rich Morris, of Broodminder, to provide updates on what’s new and what’s improved with his Broodminder Hive Monitoring sensor collection. Broodminder has been in the hive monitoring business for many years and Rich states...
Guest: Rich Morris
April 17, 2020

The Pollinator Victory Garden with Author Kim Eierman (S2, E25)

Sit back and listen while Jeff and Kim talk with Kim Eierman, founder of EcoBeneficial, and the author of The Pollinator Victory Garden, How To Win The War on Pollinator Decline with Ecological Gardening. If you’ve been thinking of starting some...
Guest: Rich Morris
July 31, 2019

Rich Morris: Lead Drone - Broodminder - (S2, E02)

Rich Morris is a beekeeper and electrical engineer whose passion and career combined to produce Broodminder.  Broodminder is a set of battery powered sensors and scale that provide insights to beekeepers on the changes within their monitored...
Guest: Rich Morris