Monica, a seasoned beekeeper, educates the public on the importance of honeybees and native pollinators. Beekeeping wasn’t always easy but through it all she gained a passion and community like no other! Her bees lifted her up and guided her on a constructive path for her and everyone around her. After overcoming many life stressors, she saw the benefit it would have for others.
Gaining that dedication and passion derived from her honeybees, she won best in show for Extracted Honey at EAS 2019, President of CCBA, and one the creators of Mission Beelieve. Seizing every opportunity that she can, to get the word out about the benefits of beekeeping and how to support all pollinators; her love for education and outreach are infectious. In addition to community outreach events, you can find Monica giving one on one lessons with beekeepers and the interested public. In her personal time, she goes around helping beekeepers, with issues they may be having at their own apiaries. Colony health and education is her first priority!
Mission Beelieve provides Monica a way to share her expertise about the opportunity’s beekeeping brings and another way to give back to her community. Sharing her knowledge and passion with Veterans and First Responders, she hopes to touch as many of these heroes as possible, giving them a renewed sense of purpose and community.