Beekeeping Today Podcast - Presented by Betterbee

Kelly Bills

Kelly Bills Profile Photo

Executive Director - Pollinator Partnership (P2)

Kelly Bills (formerly Kelly Rourke) is Executive Director of Pollinator Partnership and has been dedicated to pollinator conservation for over 8 years. Her focus is on large-scale habitat projects, plant-pollinator interactions, and agricultural and industry engagement.

Kelly holds an undergraduate degree in Environmental Studies and a minor in Anthropology from the University of California at Santa Cruz. She has also received a Master’s of Science in Environmental Management (Ecology Concentration) from the University of San Francisco.

Her background in ecology, conservation, and culture has propelled her career in the non-profit sector. Prior to Pollinator Partnership (P2), Kelly worked at another bay area-based environmental non-profit called Conservacion Patagonica (CP). Kelly manages the North American Pollinator Protection Campaign (NAPPC), National Pollinator Week,, and pollinator grants and scholarships. Kelly serves on the Board of Directors of Pollinator Partnership Canada, the Advisory Committee of the Monarch Joint Venture, and the Steering Committee for PlantAgents.

June 19, 2023

Pollinator Week with Kelly Bills and Start of Our 6th Year! (S6, E01)

Welcome to Season 6 of Beekeeping Today Podcast! When we launched this podcast on the first day of Pollinator Week in 2018, we had no idea where the podcast would go, or how long it would continue. It is fun to see that we are still going strong and...
June 22, 2020

Pollinator Week Series: Pollinator Partnership with Laurie Adams & Kelly Rourke (S3, E1)

Welcome to the first of our Pollinator Week Special Episodes. Each day this week we’ll release new interviews with teams and individuals who are all working to protect, provide and propagate pollinators all over the globe! Pollinator Week was...
Guest: Kelly Bills
June 17, 2019

Pollinator Week: Pollinator Partnership - Kelly Rourke & Vicki Wojcik - (027)

is the organization responsible for bringing us Pollinator Week, so it is only fitting "P2" leads off our special week of podcasts! In 2007, Congress unanimously declared a week of June as National Pollinator Week. Pollinator Week has now grown into a...
Guest: Kelly Bills