Beekeeping Today Podcast - Presented by Betterbee

Justin Ruger

Justin Ruger Profile Photo

Author / host

I started beekeeping with my mother after my traumatic brain injury in 2015 for therapeutic reasons. in October 2020, I had a stroke that affected the right side of my body. For therapy, I wrote and illustrated, Henry Meets a Honey Bee, that I released in October 2021 to educate children about honey bees.

March 2022, I started a podcast, Beekeeping With Disabilities and More! that aims to connect disabled beekeepers and teach them how to adapt and live their life as beekeepers.

May 23, 2022

Beekeeping With Disabilities - Justin Ruger (S4, E49)

Can you imagine the difficulty in trying to work a standard Langstroth hive when sitting in a wheelchair? Or how about working bees while blind? These are just two of the handicaps that Justin Ruger is working on so that people with handicaps like...
Guest: Justin Ruger