Beekeeping Today Podcast - Presented by Betterbee

Joshua Munoz

Joshua Munoz Profile Photo

Agriculture Teacher

Passionate about agriculture, agriculture education, and working with both urban and rural growers and producers. Josh is the new Minnesota Honey Producers Ambassador. Josh graduated from the University of Minnesota with a Bachelor's in Agriculture Communications and Marketing and is now completing a Master's in Agriculture Education.

Josh transitioned out of the Marine Corps in 2014 and has been working with the University of Minnesota Bee Squad since 2018 and is currently an apiary instructor in their Bee Veterans program. He now works as an Agricultural Teacher at Como Park Senior High School, where bees play a central role in his curriculum.

Oct. 3, 2022

Minnesota Honey Producers' Ambassador Program and More (S5, E16)

The Minnesota Honey Producers Association has a whole bunch of good things going for them and in this episode we learn about their new Honey Ambassador Program (notice we didn’t say Honey Queen Program), plus the state wide habitat program. …

Listen to the Episode