Beekeeping Today Podcast - Presented by Betterbee

Joc Rawls

Joc Rawls Profile Photo


Joc is a veterinarian of 33 yrs and a backyard beekeeper for a total of 11 years. Four years were during the mid to late ‘80’s in Mississippi and the last seven years here in Phoenix, Arizona. He currently manages 7 nice backyard colonies, which produce too much honey at times. He is a native of Mississippi and grew up on a family farm there.

He is the immediate past president of the Beekeepers Association of Arizona and currently on the board of directors. He is also a member of the American Honey Producers Association, American Beekeeping Federation, and the Honey Bee Veterinary Consortium.

When not practicing veterinary medicine or keeping bees, you can find him hiking in Arizona, skiing winter slopes in Northern Arizona or Colorado, or playing fiddle tunes with friends.

March 20, 2023

Beekeeping in Arizona (S5, E40)

When you think of Arizona, beekeeping typically does not come to mind. On today's episode, we talk about beekeeping in Arizona with three Arizona beekeepers: Duane Combs, Joc Rawls, and Monica King. Duane has been on the podcast in the past talking...