Beekeeping Today Podcast - Presented by Betterbee

James Wilkes

James Wilkes Profile Photo

PhD, Founder - Hive Tracks, Beekeeper, College Professor,

James Wilkes is a beekeeper, college professor, farmer, and entrepreneur. With a career in computer science higher education (Appalachian State University) and years of practical beekeeping experience that includes building a small family farm and bee business (Faith Mountain Farm), his sweet spot is working at the intersection of computing and honey bees. He brings to life technology solutions that create a positive impact for honey bees and the stakeholders and food systems that depend on them and enjoys engaging the beekeeping community to improve our understanding and care of honey bees and the planet we inhabit.

James’ mathematics and computer science background (B.S. from Appalachian State University and M.S. and PhD. from Duke University) collided with farm and beekeeping life to create the environment for the creation and founding of HiveTracks as well as the genesis of the Bee Informed Partnership both of which were launched in the same week in August of 2010 in concert with the EAS conference in Boone, NC. Life since that moment has been full of growing businesses, research projects, honey bees, children, and relationships with people from around the world who share a common love of honey bees and their environs including the hosts of this podcast!

June 10, 2024

Much More Than Record Keeping with HiveTracks (S6, E52)

(281) Join us in this episode as we delve into the sophisticated world of beekeeping record management, focusing on the innovative platform, HiveTracks! Explore the capabilities of HiveTracks—a mobile app and cloud-based system designed to...
Feb. 27, 2023

HiveTracks: Bees as Biosensors with James Wilkes and Max Rünzel (S5, E37)

Today we meet up again with James Wilkes, founder, and Max Rünzel, CEO, of Hive Tracks. The people at HiveTracks have raised the bar when it come to gathering data about your bees, your bee yards, the environment in which they live. The data also...
March 21, 2022

HiveTracks 2022 Update and AID-CSB Partnership in Uzbekistan, Ethiopia and Lebanon (S4, E40)

On today’s episode, we invite back friend of the podcast, James Wilkes to talk about the latest updates and changes to the HiveTracks: the Beekeeper’s Companion, which has grown beyond being just a great hive management application for your...
Aug. 16, 2021

HiveTracks' Beekeeper's Companion with James Wilkes (S4, E9)

On today’s episode, we welcome back friend of the podcast, James Wilkes, beekeeper, professor and Founder of HiveTracks. HiveTracks continues to evolve and grow from the ‘simple’ 2008 technology platform focused on recordkeeping for the...
Guest: James Wilkes
Feb. 8, 2021

The Bee Corp with Ellie Symes (S3, E37)

This week we talk with Ellie Symes, CEO of The Bee Corp. We met Ellie at the recent Almond Growers virtual conference. With pollination hives in almonds renting for around $200 each, almond growers want to make sure they are getting good, strong hives...
July 6, 2020

World Bee Count with James Wilkes and Joseph Cazier (S3, E6)

In this episode, we talk with James Wilkes and Joseph Cazier from , who spearheaded the World Bee Count program just completed this spring. Bee Count is an annual event that aims to identify pollinators around the world and also measure pollinator...
Guest: James Wilkes
July 18, 2018

James Wilkes - HiveTracks and the Computerized Hive (007)

Dr. James Wilkes is a co-founder and CEO of . When he is not working at HiveTracks or teaching computer science at Appalachian State in Boone, NC, James manages over 150 colonies with his son to producing sourwood honey on their . In this...
Guest: James Wilkes