Beekeeping Today Podcast - Presented by Betterbee

Ethan West

Ethan West Profile Photo


Ethan West runs Republic of Vermont with his wife Annina and their family in Goshen, Vermont. Along with a large maple sugaring operation, they manage a treatment free apiary with bees spread out over 3 counties in the Champlain Valley of Vermont.

Every drop of syrup and honey is packaged in glass and shipped by hand from their production facility on the family property perched on the side of the Green Mountains.

Nov. 15, 2021

2021 Good Food Awards Honey Finalists (S4, E22)

Last year, we talked with The Good Food Foundation about their annual honey contest . This year, we bring you four of the 15 finalists to talk about their entries and their beekeeping operation. Winners will be announced the week of the episode’s...