Beekeeping Today Podcast - Presented by Betterbee

Dustin Vanasse

Dustin Vanasse Profile Photo


Dustin Vanasse attended the University of Minnesota’s Carlson School of Management and College of Food, Agriculture and Natural Sciences, obtaining a B.S. from the College of Continuing Education in 2010 with concentrations in Applied Economics and Entrepreneurial Management.

While attending the U of M Dustin launched Bare Honey, achieving a foothold in the market by developing a line of novel honey spreads.

Bare Honey has since become and industry leader in Solar Based Beekeeping, a production practice that pairs solar energy production and agriculture. His work within this regenerative agriculture system has lead to speaking engagements and consulting for energy developers leading the industry towards a triple bottom line that maximizes environmental benefits while increasing both energy and agriculture yields.

Nov. 15, 2021

2021 Good Food Awards Honey Finalists (S4, E22)

Last year, we talked with The Good Food Foundation about their annual honey contest . This year, we bring you four of the 15 finalists to talk about their entries and their beekeeping operation. Winners will be announced the week of the episode’s...