Beekeeping Today Podcast - Presented by Betterbee

Frank Rinkevich

Frank Rinkevich Profile Photo

PhD, Research Entomologist

Dr. Frank D. Rinkevich is a Research Entomologist at the USDA-ARS Honey Bee Breeding, Genetics, and Physiology Laboratory in Baton Rouge LA. Frank has extensive training in insect toxicology, biochemistry, molecular biology, and genetics. The goal of Dr. Frank's research is to provide a basic understanding of pesticide toxicology that is relevant to field conditions in the commercial beekeeping industry.

Current research interests in Dr. Rinkevich's lab include evaluating the effects of pesticide exposure on colony survivorship in commercial beekeeping operations, assessing the capacity and dynamics of metabolic detoxification of insecticides, understanding the genetic, behavioral, and social factors that affect insecticide sensitivity, determining the breadth, depth, and mechanisms of amitraz resistance in Varroa, establishing the effects of fungicides on colony health, and evaluating the performance of honey bee stocks selected for low Varroa populations in commercial beekeeping conditions.

Frank's USDA website is:

May 9, 2022

Pol-Line VSH Honey Bees with USDA-ARS Drs Frank Rinkevich and Mike Si…

Drs. Michael Simone-Finstrom and Dr. Frank Rinkevich, are research entomologists at the Baton Rouge Honey Bee Research Laboratory in Baton Rouge, LA. They have completed an extensive set of tests in commercial beekeeping operations on mite resistance,...

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