Andy has been keeping bees for 30 years, and as an Environmental Health Officer, developed an interest in the law on food safety as it applies to bee keepers and honey production about 14 years ago, realising that there was a fair amount of misinformation and traditional, but not always good, practice, among beekeepers. In 2009, he authored a series in BeeCraft, a UK magazine, on the Food Safety Legislation, and has authored other relevant articles for them too – on the Honey Regulations and Recycling jars.
He’s recently worked more on the nuts and bolts of food safety for beekeepers, and has presented talks on this, and the Food Safety law as it applies to beekeepers at the UK's National Honey Show workshops and to local associations.
Northern Bee Books asked him to produce a book and this is now in print
Andy is currently the Training Apiary Manager for Oxfordshire BKA; this gives him responsibility for 10 colonies there as well as his own 7 in various apiarys around Oxfordshire.