Beekeeping Today Podcast - Presented by Betterbee

Pollination Science Episodes

June 17, 2024

Seventh Year Anniversary Special with Pollinator Partnership (282)

Welcome to a special episode of the Beekeeping Today Podcast, presented by Betterbee. As we kick off our seventh year and celebrate the first day of Pollinator Week, we are thrilled to bring you a conversation filled with insights and stories that...

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Nov. 23, 2020

Ernst Seed Company - Calvin Ernst with Kirsten (S3, E26)

Protecting pollinators and improving the habitat for honey bees often entails planting nectar and pollen rich plants. In this episode, Kirsten talks with Calvin Ernst, founder of , who has been deeply involved with growing native plants for over 50...

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June 26, 2020

Pollinator Week Series: Pollinator Gardens & Bumble Bees with Dr. Dav…

As part of the pollinator week special, guest host Kirsten Traynor chats with Dr. Dave Goulson, an expert on pollinator health from the University of Sussex. Dave Goulson has been fascinated with insects since he was a boy and was able to turn this...

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June 25, 2020

Pollinator Week Series: Bee Friendly Farming with Ron Bitner (S3, E4)

Bee Friendly Farming has a good friend in Ron Bitner, Co-Chair of this Pollinator Partnership program. Ron runs Bitner Winery near Boise Idaho in Treasure Valley and for 40 some years was involved in non-apis bee management for pollination. Bee...

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June 24, 2020

Pollinator Week Series: The PolliNation Nation & More with Dr. Andony…

Andony Melathopoulos is the Pollinator Health Extension Specialist for Oregon State University. He’s not just about honey bees, but every pollinator out there. But honey bees are a big part of what he does because of the multitude of crops grown in...

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June 23, 2020

Pollinator Week Series: Chasing the Monarch Butterfly with Dr. Chip T…

Dr. Orley, “Chip” Taylor started Monarch Watch about 30 years ago. So far, he and his group have managed to tag over two million monarchs so they can study the migration habits of this beautiful butterfly. His research has also determined where...

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June 22, 2020

Pollinator Week Series: Pollinator Partnership with Laurie Adams & Ke…

Welcome to the first of our Pollinator Week Special Episodes. Each day this week we’ll release new interviews with teams and individuals who are all working to protect, provide and propagate pollinators all over the globe! Pollinator Week was...

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June 21, 2019

Pollinator Week: Adam Allington - The Business of Bees - (031)

Adam Allington is the producer and host of the Bloomberg Environment podcast, The Business of Bees.  Adam joins Jeff and Kim on this final podcast of the 2019 Pollinator Week series. Business of Bees is a six-part podcast series that introduces...

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June 19, 2019

Pollinator Week: Dr. Jennifer Tsuruda, Honey Bee Pollination - (029)

Dr. Jennifer Tsuruda is an Assistant Professor at the University of Tennessee in Knoxville, where she focuses her time on honey bee health, pollination and as the State's Extension Service apiculturist. Prior to her current position, she was the...

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June 17, 2019

Pollinator Week: Pollinator Partnership - Kelly Rourke & Vicki Wojcik…

is the organization responsible for bringing us Pollinator Week, so it is only fitting "P2" leads off our special week of podcasts! In 2007, Congress unanimously declared a week of June as National Pollinator Week. Pollinator Week has now grown into a...

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