Welcome to another episode of Beekeeping Today Podcast! This week, we're excited to host Joy and Eric McEwen, the authors behind the recently released book, “Raising Resilient Bees.” The McEwens offer a natural and sustainable model that focuses...
While Jeff and Kim are taking time this week to tend their bees, we bring you this Archive Special from May of 2021. In this third installment of our five-part Hive Types Series, we talk with Colorado Master Beekeeper and columnist Tina Sebestyen...
Returning today is Dan Conlon, vice president of the Russian Bee Breeders Association. Dan updates us on how the Russian bee breeding program, the status of the association and how the Covid shutdowns impacted the USDA Baton Rouge Bee Lab, which...
In this week’s episode, we visit with Cliff Struhl about his thoughts on better ways to keep bees than is generally done today (and the past 170 years). Cliff is owner of Bee Smart Designs and has produced several products that aim to reduce some of...
We first met the Regional Beekeepers back in May of 2020. Then twice a year since, we've made a point to catch a chat with them to talk about their bees, their challenges, their successes and plans for the next six months. This time, we move from west...
Joining the podcast today is Stephanie Bruneau, co-author of the new book, “Common Sense Natural Beekeeping.” Stephanie Bruneau and our very own Kim Flottum, recently released this new book with Quarry Press. We talk with the authors about...
Joining us is Bee Culture contributor and author, Ross Conrad. Ross is a commercial beekeeper in Vermont. He runs a small commercial operation running about 100 colonies and all are treatment free. He makes honey, does a bit of pollination and does a...
Marla Spivak is a honey bee researcher at the University of Minnesota in Minneapolis. Her work has covered a variety of subjects over the years including queen breeding and disease prevention and lately she has been working on the relationship of...
Shane Gebauer is the President and Partner at , the catalog and online bee supply company based in Moravian Falls, NC. Shane has been keeping bees for many years and speaks nationally on beekeeping. You can also see Shane on several ...