In this episode of the Upscaling from Hobbyist to Sideliner series, we explore the business side of beekeeping with two beekeepers who successfully made the leap. Hosts Jeff Ott and Becky Masterman are joined by Tara Dawn Chapman of Two Hives Honey in...
Expanding a beekeeping operation brings new challenges, especially when it comes to processing and bottling honey efficiently. In this episode, Jeff and Becky continue their series on upscaling from hobbyist to sideliner beekeeping with a deep dive...
In the second episode of our February series, Upscaling from Hobbyist to Sideliner Beekeeper, Jeff and Becky continue the conversation with returning guests Dr. Meghan Milbrath and Ana Heck from Michigan State University. This week’s focus is on one...
In this engaging episode, Jeff and Becky welcome Frank Linton, a seasoned beekeeper and author with a deep passion for observation hives. Frank shares his unique journey into beekeeping, sparked by his grandfather's influence and reignited years later...
(#268) In the concluding episode of our four-part series on "How To Get Started With Bees," we explore the crucial topics of parasites, pathogens, predators, and pesticides—from this point on, to be collectively known as the “four Ps of...
(#267) In "How To Get Started With Bees," part three of our four-part series, we delve deeper into the essential steps for budding beekeepers. This episode focuses on equipment selection, emphasizing the critical decision between new and used gear,...
(#266) In this episode, Jeff, Becky, and Jim dive deep into the world of developing advanced beekeeping skills. The trio revisits the 2020 foundational series on getting started with bees, adding a fresh perspective with new insights for 2024. They...
(#265) Welcome to a new chapter in beekeeping with the Beekeeping Today Podcast, presented by Betterbee. In today’s special episode, "How to Get Started with Bees in 2024, Part 1," we kick off a four-week series revisiting and expanding upon our...
On today’s show, Jeff and Becky welcome back Eugene Makovec, editor of the American Bee Journal! Honey labeling laws vary widely across the US, creating a complex patchwork of regulations that can be challenging for both new and experienced...
Fall is here. No amount of denial no longer can hide that fact, now. There is lots to do to prep the bees for the coming cold months. You should be well down that task list of colony preparation. In this episode, we talk with Betterbee co-owner,...
While Jeff and Kim are taking time this week to tend their bees, we bring you this Archive Special from May of 2021. In this third installment of our five-part Hive Types Series, we talk with Colorado Master Beekeeper and columnist Tina Sebestyen...
Today, we talk with Julia Mahood, a Master Beekeeper in Georgia. Julia is fascinated with drone honey bees and especially Drone Congregation Areas. To find out more about DCA’s, she is on a quest to find as many as she can across her Georgia...
Last year, we talked with The Good Food Foundation about their annual honey contest . This year, we bring you four of the 15 finalists to talk about their entries and their beekeeping operation. Winners will be announced the week of the episode’s...
For this episode, we invite back our regular regional beekeepers to sit down with us and discuss how their season went, what surprises they had, what worked, what didn’t and what they were planning for in 2022. In their discussions with each other,...
In Part 4 of our 5-part series on hive types other than the standard Langstroth, we talk with Paul Longwell about the AZ Hive. Paul has been keeping bees for quite a few years. He’s a Master Beekeeper and has bees in Langstroth hives, top bar hives...