Beekeeping Today Podcast - Presented by Betterbee

Honey Bee Biology Episodes

Aug. 26, 2024

Hive Insulation and Overwintering with Etienne Tardiff (293)

In this episode, Jeff and Becky sit down with Etienne Tardiff, a beekeeper from the Yukon, who shares his unique approach to wintering bees in some of the coldest climates imaginable. Etienne, blending his engineering background with hands-on...

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May 27, 2024

Honey Bee Genetics and Behavior with Dr. Christine Grozinger (S6, E50)

In this enlightening episode, we are joined by Dr. Christina Grozinger, a distinguished researcher from Penn State University, who delves into her extensive work on bee behavior, genetics, and the vital role of nutrition in bee health. As the director...

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May 13, 2024

Honey Bee Viruses with Dr. Michelle Flenniken (S6, E48)

(#277) In this episode, we delve into the intricate world of honey bee virology with Dr. Michelle Flenniken from Montana State University. As a seasoned researcher specializing in honey bee viruses, Michelle brings a wealth of knowledge that's both...

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May 6, 2024

Dr. Kaira Wagoner: Hygienic Bee Behavior (S6, E47)

(#276) In this enlightening episode, we are joined by Dr. Kaira Wagoner of Optera, who introduces us to groundbreaking research in bee hygiene. Kaira shares her extensive study on hygienic behavior in honey bees, a critical trait that helps colonies...

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Feb. 12, 2024

Drones and Purdue's Harpur Lab with Dr. Brock Harpur (S6, E35)

(#264) In this week’s episode, we explore into the fascinating world of drones with Dr. Brock Harpur from Purdue University. Listen and discover the critical role drones play in bee colony health and how current research is challenging previous...

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Nov. 13, 2023

European Foulbrood with Dr. Meghan Milbrath (S6, E22)

On today’s episode, Jeff and Becky talk with Dr. Meghan Milbrath, assistant professor at Michigan State University. Meghan splits her time between teaching at the MSU veterinary school, extension and research. On today’s episode, Meghan discusses...

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July 24, 2023

The Mind of a Bee with Dr. Lars Chittka (S6, E06)

We are excited to bring you this packed episode. We start with Jeff talking with Becky Masterman, from the Minnesota Honey Producers Assn. about the USDA-ARS National Publication 305 (NP-305) and its importance.  Next Jeff and Kim talk with Dr....

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May 8, 2023

What A Bee Knows with Stephen Buchmann (S5, E47)

Anyone who's watch the front entrance of a hive or watched honey bee gathering nectar and pollen from flowers on a tree or a field of flowers has wondered about the life of a bee. That ultimately leads to the wonderment of just what does a bee...

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April 3, 2023

Drones and Mapping Drone Congregation Areas with Julia Mahood (S5, E4…

Today, we talk with Julia Mahood, a Master Beekeeper in Georgia. Julia is fascinated with drone honey bees and especially Drone Congregation Areas. To find out more about DCA’s, she is on a quest to find as many as she can across her Georgia...

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Oct. 11, 2021

Swarm Essentials with Stephen Repasky (S4, E17)

In this episode, we talk with Steve Repasky about his book, Swarm Essentials, published by WicWas Press in 2014. Steve is in the middle of updating his book and we found him ready to talk about swarming in general, and what’s new in the world of...

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April 12, 2021

The Climate Change Impact on Bees & Floral Sources with Dr. Christina…

In this episode, we talk with Dr. Christina Grozinger, from Penn State’s Department of Entomology. Her recent research and and plant growing season has confirmed many suspicions on the long term impact these changes have on all bees, both native...

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March 15, 2021

Russian Honey Bee and EAS Updates with Dan Conlon (S3, E42)

In this episode, we invite Dan Conlon back to learn how the Russian Honey Bee Program is progressing, since now is the time to consider trying packages, nucs or queens for the coming season. Arguably, Russians are the most tested breed of honey bee in...

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May 29, 2020

Talking Russian Honey Bees with Dr. Tom Rinderer and Steve Coy (S2, …

Ask beekeepers and you will hear many different opinions on Russian Honey Bees. Mostly, they either love them, hate them or know nothing about them.  In this episode, we go directly to the US source of these bees with Dr. Tom Rinderer and Steve...

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April 10, 2020

Developing A Breeding Program with Sue Cobey, Dr. Tim Lawrence and Dr…

Sue Cobey, Tim Lawrence and Steve Sheppard join the podcast this week to discuss their new three-part video series on how to develop an effective and productive honey bee breeding program. Topics discussed in the series include record keeping, drone...

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Feb. 4, 2019

Dr. Tom D. Seeley: Honey Bees In The Wild - (019)

Dr. Tom D. Seeley is a Horace White Professor in Biology at Cornell University where he teaches courses on animal behavior, specializing in understanding the social life of honey bees. His scientific research focuses on the phenomenon of swarm intelligence, which is...

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